For neuro-divergent children of all abilities
With extensive clinical medicine and sports medicine knowledge spanning more than 40 years, the Brain & Cognition Clinic’s team derive from the close interaction and communication with its sister organisation, Perth Integrated Health.
The Brain & Cognition Clinic has been ongoing for the past forty years in our field of clinical and sports medicine. In the 21stcentury many discerning organisations realise that overall health starts with the Brain and how it applies Cognition to the rest of the body and controls it.
Brain Health and the preservation of wellness and function for those without known ailments is our mission and for those impacted with neurological conditions and deficits – a clear and definite pathway towards proper hands on rehabilitation
Lego is not just about fine dexterity and control, it has a myriad of therapeutic components for neurodivergent children of all ages.
Lali Services