A mental math programme that builds automaticity or fluency with addition and subtraction.
The Bond Blocks Programme is a mental math programme that builds automaticity or fluency with addition and subtraction facts to twenty. The Bond Blocks are a highly interactive, hands-on learning tool and is evidenced based, aligning directly with Australian Curriculum outcomes.
The Bond Blocks programme is made up of highly engaging hands-on activities which helps children with dyscalculia and ADHD make sense of numbers. It is also specifically designed to help learners who use their fingers to add or subtract, no matter their age or grade.
Activities are short and sharp, only taking approximately 3 to 5 minutes, three times per week, in the comfort of your own home. Simply follow the clear, concise instructional videos, created by Narelle Rice and Dr Paul Swan for each activity board. Also, ADHD, dyslexic and students with dyscalculia, who engage in these tasks , become more fluent in the language of mathematics as they listen to the instructional videos.
Both the Bond Blocks kit and the activity boards are available from LALI Service.
The videos can be accessed via: https://bondblocks.com/
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